
Childhood favorites

Do you have any childhood favorites that no one has ever seemed to have heard of? One of my favorite books from my own preschool years is Nancy Patz's Pumpernickle Tickle and Mean Green Cheese.

Pumpernickel Tickle & Mean Green Cheese

Similar to the classic Don't Forget the Bacon, a child is sent to the grocery store. He has to remember the list, but can't seem to do so. Hilarity ensues. It appears this book was republished about ten years ago, and it's available through Amazon.

Other books from my childhood that no one seems to remember are wonderful youth biographies of the RAMBAN, RAMBAM, and Rav Yosef Caro. They were very inspirational for me (although I was not yet religious), but I can't find them anywhere. Someone told me they are out of print and I'm very disappointed. The graphic histories published by Rabbi Berel Wein's Destiny Foundation are lovely, but the books from my childhood were for a younger audience, and shorter.

Does anybody out there have favorite books from their childhood that somehow escaped classic status?

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