
Bear With Me

When you actually make it to regular pediatrician visits for all your kids--and you've got a few kids--you spend a lot of time with the aforementioned pediatrician. So you shmooze. Over the last couple years, part of our shmooze has been on the topic of his son-in-law's picture book.

It came out not too long ago, and I have to recommend it, not only is it by a friend of a friend (so to speak), it's by a local author and actually very worthy of a recommendation. Max Kornell's Bear with Me is quite a charming book and got lots of giggles out of my kids.

A little boy's parents bring home someone new to live with them. Someone who takes up a lot of his parents' attention. Someone who tampers with his belongings and makes him lose sleep at night. Sound familiar? However, this little boy didn't get a new baby...he got a new bear.

While some of the reviews I've read recommend this book for children with new siblings, I think it would be even better for kids with an ADOPTED sibling on the way. Here's why: the little boy and the new bear are able to enjoy each other's company rather quickly. It can take a while before newborns are entertaining and engaging. This would probably be good to discuss before a new baby comes home, otherwise your elder children might be disgusted by the family's new addition.

Other than that little picky point, I highly recommend this funny little book for kids, ages 3-7.

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